Mindlessly reading through your notes or textbooks isn’t an effective method of studying; it doesn’t help you process the information. Instead, you should use a proven study strategy that will help you think through the material and retain the information.

Strategy #1 – SQ3R Method
With the SQ3R approach to reading, you’ll learn to think critically about a text.
There are five steps:
Survey: Skim through the assigned material. Focus on headings, words in bold print and any diagrams.
Question: Ask yourself questions related to the topic.
Read: Read the text carefully. As you go, look for answers to your questions.
Recite: Tell yourself the answers to your questions. Write notes about them, even.
Review: Go over the material again by rereading the text and reading your notes aloud.
Strategy #2 – PQ4R Method
PQ4R is another study strategy that can help you digest the information you read.
This approach has six steps:
Preview: Skim the material. Read the titles, headings and other highlighted text.
Question: Think through questions that pertain to the material.
Read: As you work through the material, try to find answers to your questions.
Reflect: Consider whether you have any unanswered questions or new questions.
Recite: Speak aloud about the things you just read.
Review: Look over the material one more time.
Strategy #3 – THIEVES Method
The THIEVES approach can help you prepare to read for information.
There are seven pre-reading steps:
Title: Read the title.
Headings: Look through the headings.
Introduction: Skim the intro.
Every first sentence in a section: Take a look at how each section begins.
Visuals and vocabulary: Look at the pictures and the words in bold print.
End questions: Review the questions at the end of the chapter.
Summary: Read the overview of the text.
Ask yourself thought-provoking questions as you work through these steps. After completing them, read the text.